Destroyin' LA

Destroyin' LA

Synchronized two-channel video installation, HD, 13:40 min

Installation view, Young Projects, Los Angeles, 2015

Part 3: Independance Day

Synchronized two-channel video installation, HD, 13:40 min

Part 1: The Omega Man

Synchronized two-channel video installation, HD, 13:40 min

"In a sense Hollywood's frequent destruction of Los Angeles is crass. But it's more often a case of economic expediency than of ideology. Hollywood destroys Los Angeles because it's there." Thom Anderson, in Los Angeles Plays Itself, 2003). Five short excerpts of disaster movies where L.A is being destroyed were chosen. On the second screen, the scenes are critically commented by citizens of the city.



Part 2: Earthquake

Synchronized two-channel video installation, HD, 13:40 min

Synchronized two-channel video installation, HD, 13:40 min

Installation view, Young Projects, Los Angeles, 2015

Part 4: The Day After Tomorrow

Synchronized two-channel video installation, HD, 13:40 min

Synchronized two-channel video installation, HD, 13:40 min

Installation view, Young Projects, Los Angeles, 2015

Part 5: "2012"

Synchronized two-channel video installation, HD, 13:40 min