Death Don't Have No Mercy

Death Don't Have No Mercy

HD video, 5:55 min, 2022


This video is my contribution to The Palliative Turn (APT) exhibition at Kunsthalle Bremen, 2022

(with generous support by Pro Helvetia, The Swiss Arts Council)

Initiated by the visual artist Olav Westphalen, who coined the term Palliative Turn, APT was founded in 2020 by a group of diverse practitioners including artists, comedians, palliative practitioners, health care specialists, designers, philosophers and climate scientists in reaction to the pervasive assumption that we humans can fix all our problems and escape our certain fate. More concretely, APT asks; ‘What if our ambition to control and manage not just our own lives but even the planetary climate’s equilibrium is just the latest symptom of what has been wrong all along?’ (Westphalen). By taking its starting point from the practice of palliative care as a model for art, APT asks if an acceptance of our impending end, might not in fact be the first step to living better.



HD video, 5:55 min, 2022

HD video, 5:55 min, 2022

HD video, 5:55 min, 2022

HD video, 5:55 min, 2022

HD video, 5:55 min, 2022