Welcome on Christoph Draeger website

Apocalyptic Calendar

July 17



The Last Artwork Vol.2, Kunsthalle 8000, Wädenswil (CH), 25 May - 31 August 2024, curated by Lori Hersberger und Mitchell Anderson  

Ai Weiwei, Mitchell Anderson, Adam Cruces, Christoph Draeger, Ghost R., Bob Gramsma, Lori Hersberger, Manfred Peckl, Charlie Stein, Valentina Stieger, Cassidy Toner, Timm Ulrichs, Wink Witholt, Nicole Zachmann, Thomas Zipp

The timeliest video: Autostop, 2022 ("Love this piece!", Chip Lord, Ant Farm)
The latest video:  Death Don't Have No Mercy, 2022

Recent works:

Collected Collages from H.A.'s Record Collection (2022)

Climate Crisis (2018-2024)

Getting To The Point. (2019)


Upcoming publication: 

Autumn Moon, the High Sierra from Glacier Point, revisited



Background images from: Voyages Apocalyptiques, since 1994, ongoing